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Timothy Chemaly财税法律顾问

2020-03-21 2096 kannz
Timothy Chemaly财税法律顾问

站点名称:Timothy Chemaly财税法律顾问



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这位南非移民到新西兰的财税律师,不会说中文但对华人很友善,在南非曾经是法官,在新西兰的税务局做过多年的财税法律工作,如果有大金额的财税官司需要与 IRD “斗争”,Timothy 是个很好的选择。

Timothy拥有南非Grahamstown的Rhodes大学的B Com法学学士学位,然后在南非成为大律师独家律师,首先是1983年至1994年在约翰内斯堡,然后是1994年至2001年在东伦敦。Timothy的业务主要涉及商业诉讼。

在2001年移居新西兰后,蒂莫西(Timothy)重新获得了资格,并于2002年在奥克兰高等法院获接纳为大律师和律师。蒂莫西(Timothy)在2001年至2007年间被新西兰税务局聘为律师。2006年,蒂莫西(Timothy)完成在奥克兰大学获得MTax S学位。

在北岸律师事务所工作了一段时间之后,蒂莫西(Timothy)于2008年加入nsaTax Ltd,担任税务经理,提供税务建议并代表客户处理税务争议和诉讼。 nsaTax Ltd是一家专门从事税务和信托事务的特许会计师事务所。蒂莫西(Timothy)于2017年离开nsaTax Ltd,现在以自己的帐户从事税务和信托律师业务。蒂莫西(Timothy)在位于新西兰奥克兰的东塔玛基(East Tamaki)的Nine Consulting Limited特许会计师办事处工作。蒂莫西(Timothy)提供有关税收和信托问题的建议,随后提供溶剂清算和反洗钱服务。

Timothy qualified with a B Com LLB from Rhodes University in Grahamstown South Africa, and then practised as a barrister sole in South Africa, firstly in Johannesburg from 1983 to 1994 and then East London from 1994 to 2001. Timothy’s practise involved mainly commercial litigation.

On moving to New Zealand in 2001, Timothy re-qualified and was admitted in the Auckland High Court as a barrister and solicitor in 2002. Timothy was employed as a solicitor by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department from 2001 to 2007. In 2006 Timothy completed an MTax S degree at Auckland University.

After a short stint at a North Shore solicitor’s practise Timothy joined nsaTax Ltd in 2008 as a Tax Manager, providing taxation advice and representing clients in taxation disputes and litigation. nsaTax Ltd is a firm of chartered accountants that specialise in taxation and trust matters. Timothy left nsaTax Ltd in 2017, and now practices on his own account as a tax and trust solicitor. Timothy operates from the Nine Consulting Limited chartered accountants offices in East Tamaki, Auckland, New Zealand. Timothy provides advice on taxation and trust issues, and latterly provides solvent liquidation and AML services.