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2020-11-06 2116 kannz




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Managed isolation and quarantine data

Data and statistics about managed isolation and quarantine in New Zealand.

Managed isolation and quarantine data(external link) — Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Information for individuals

The Ministry of Social Development has information about where you can go for services and support, what you can get help with, and contact information during the COVID-19 emergency.

COVID-19: Where to go for services and support(external link) — Ministry of Social Development

Read the guidelines about gatherings and public events at different alert levels at covid19.govt.nz.

Gathering and events(external link) — covid19.govt.nz

Information for businesses

COVID-19: Information for businesses(external link) — business.govt.nz

Business.govt.nz is the government’s central resource for COVID-19 business information, with updates about COVID-19 and guidance to help businesses. Find information about:

Create your official NZ COVID Tracer poster(external link) — covid19.govt.nz

Working from home and cybersecurity(external link) — cert.govt.nz

Managing health and safety: COVID-19(external link) — WorkSafe

Sector-specific guidance

COVID-19: Advice for health professionals(external link) — Ministry of Health

Information about COVID-19 and the primary sector(external link) — MPI

COVID-19: Building and construction sector guidance(external link) — Building Performance

Please refer to the Ministry of Health for health-related information.

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)(external link) — Ministry of Health

Financial support

Financial support(external link) — covid19.govt.nz

Help is available if you're experiencing financial distress including help for businesses and foreign nationals in New Zealand. Go to covid19.govt.nz for information about:


Travel information for all travellers, student visa holders, migrant workers and employers:

COVID-19(external link) — Immigration New Zealand

Go to covid19.govt.nz for information about: