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Employment NZ

2021-04-07 1256 kannz
Employment NZ

站点名称:Employment NZ



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This website has information to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an employee or employer. It aims to support positive relationships between employers and employees, and to promote safe, fair and harmonious workplaces.

Employment New Zealand is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. On this website, you will find practical, operational and best practice employment information that will help employers and employees understand what they can do and how they should do it.

Employment Services – Year at a Glance (2019/20) [PDF 419KB]

Transparency statement

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) transparency statement describes the kind of information MBIE gathers to ensure it can effectively:

  • protect people, information, and places

  • ensure regulatory compliance, and

  • detect and prevent criminal offending.

MBIE’s transparency statement | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment(external link)

Employment Mediation Services

This website provides guidance on dealing with employment relationship issues. If you have a problem that you’re unable to solve together, Employment Mediation Services can arrange a mediation to help you to sort it out.

If you are not able to sort out the problem through mediation, Employment Mediation Services will refer you to either the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) or the Employment Court run by the Ministry of Justice.

Labour Inspectorate

This website provides information on minimum employment standards.

The Labour Inspectorate ensures that minimum employment standards are met in the workplace.