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2020-03-09 1177 kannz




SEO查询: 爱站网 站长工具



Trade Tested 在新西兰使您的后院变得更好。 100%新西兰拥有并经营,我们已经成长为新西兰顶级的在线家庭装修商店。结合了新技术和良好的老式猕猴桃客户服务,我们没有大型连锁店,也没有一百万员工,因此我们的价格无法被击败。

这一切始于2001年,当时我们开始进口到奥克兰市中心的一个小车库,在当时称为Trade Me的小站点上出售。随着新西兰人习惯于在线购买商品,我们也越来越习惯于出售商品。成为Trade Me上最受欢迎的企业之一后,我们决定开设一个网站。只为我们。




Trade Tested is here to make your backyard great. 100% NZ owned and operated, we’ve grown to be New Zealand’s top online home improvement store. Combining new technology and good old fashioned Kiwi customer service, we don’t have a chain of giant shops, or a million staff, so our prices can’t be beaten.

It all began in 2001 when we started importing to a small garage in central Auckland, selling on what was then a little site called Trade Me. As Kiwis got more used to buying things online, we got more used to selling them. After several years of being one of the most popular businesses on Trade Me, we decided to start a website. Just for us.

So after a few sleepless nights and lots of coffee, TradeTested.co.nz launched on the 10th of July, 2010. Our goal – deliver Kiwis the best deal on everything for their backyards straight to their front door. And since then we have been doing just that.

From the humble water blaster in Ponsonby to the giant farm shelter for an orchard in Cromwell, no matter how big your backyard is we’ve got you covered. Last year alone we are proud to have delivered to over 60,000 satisfied customers all around the country and now have over 15,000 product reviews.

Over the next few years we’re going to continue to grow, adding a bunch of new product lines and categories. So if you have any questions, queries, suggestions or theories, we’d love to hear from you.