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2020-02-24 1067 kannz




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新西兰化妆品协会 Cosmetics New Zealand

The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association of New Zealand Inc (CTFA), operating as Cosmetics New Zealand, is the incorporated body representing cosmetic, toiletry and fragrance businesses in New Zealand. We are an independent non-profit, non-collusive organisation that plays a major role in determining the direction of the cosmetic industry. On behalf of our members our activities include:

  • Liaising with government departments such as New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, Consumer Affairs, EPA, and Medsafe.

  • Holding seminars and workshops on matters potentially affecting members’ businesses.

  • Monitoring of legislation, including bills before Parliament, to ensure they are compatible with industry objectives.

  • Conducting sales and salary surveys to provide accurate and up to date information.

  • Being a referral centre for trade inquiries originating from both offshore and locally.

  • Running the Small Business sub-group, for small to medium size enterprises.

  • Providing a service to members for GMP Certification and Certificates of Free Sale