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2020-06-13 1301 kannz




SEO查询: 爱站网 站长工具



When American architect Frank Lloyd Wright predicted in 1908 that in the future, architecture would have fewer forms, fewer lines and yet be more articulate, pure and elegant, he was right on the money. Wright’s Usonian houses and the Bauhaus movement went a step further and attempted to merge elegant design with the benefits of efficient construction and mass production. It is this idea that became the founding principle of BoxTM Design & Build.

The fundamental question is: “How do we bring accessible architecture to more people?” It is a failure of the business of design and construction that less than 3% of residential homes are designed by architects. That’s not to say that the other 97% is terrible, but when you look at the quality of the current housing stock, the performance of the homes, the shortage of houses and the high cost of building, there is something obviously wrong that needs to be fixed. To fix it we need a different approach to the way homes are designed and built.