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2020-02-25 1505 kannz




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Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) provides quality tertiary education and training across a wide range of subjects and qualifications. From certificates to postgraduate studies, we offer NZQA programmes for students to learn at a level and pathway that suits them.

We are home to the Zero Fees Scheme and are the only tertiary provider in New Zealand to offer a no tuition cost education to domestic NZ students for every year of study, at all levels.

We offer SIT programmes at campuses in Invercargill, Christchurch, Queenstown, Gore, Auckland and online through SIT2LRN Distance Learning.

We also have specialised faculties in music and rural education - MAINZ – Music and Audio Institute of New Zealand (Auckland & Christchurch) and Telford in Balclutha, South Otago.



Southern Institute of Technology provides quality applied vocational education which equips people with the knowledge and skills to be effective industry participants.     


E whakarato ana Te Whare Wananga O Murihiku i nga ratonga huarangi kia whakarawe i te tangata ki te mohiotanga me nga pukenga kia mahi tika ai a ia kei roto i tona ahumahi

This Mission Statement defines the Institute’s Statement of Purpose, which acknowledges its primary commitment to its student base. By providing well-trained and competent graduates from its programmes, the Institute also supports the industries and professions that provide ongoing and future employment.


Southern Institute of Technology provides students with quality education and training services.

Ka whangaitia e Te Whare Wananga o Murihiku nga tauira ki nga matauranga me nga akoranga tino teitei

The Institute fulfils this purpose when it provides learning opportunities for its students that are industry focussed, challenging, personally enriching, valued by participants, and which equip them to apply high level skills in a variety of business, industry and professional settings.