Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) is rated a Category One educational provider by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
Category One is the highest possible rating.
About the rating
Independent assessors from the NZQA conduct an audit, known as the External Evaluation and Review (EER), on non-university tertiary education organisations (TEOs) every four years.
The review process provides NZQA with a judgement on the educational performance and capability in self-assessment of each TEO.
NZQA has advised that it is again “Highly Confident in MIT’s educational performance” and “Highly Confident in MIT’s self-assessment capability” following the latest External Evaluation and Review, published in October 2016.
Key commentary from the EER report:
“MIT is strongly connected to its region, its unique cohort of students and diverse business and community groups. Students complete their study at MIT and are well-supported to gain employment in relevant work areas.”
“MIT is actively engaged with industry and with its community at all levels of the organisation.”
“MIT continues to seek solutions and adopted a community integration approach; a focus on youth and bridging programmes and initiatives previously reported to try and achieve genuine equality and not just ‘an acceptable gap.’
“MIT has put in place a range of approaches to engage with young people in the region to create pathways to engage with vocational education and training.
“The governance and management teams at MIT are highly effective in supporting educational achievement.”
“Students at MIT gain useful skills, knowledge and qualifications that support them to gain employment and contribute positively to their communities. Across the organisation, students were developing industry-specific skills useful for employment or establishing their own businesses.”
“Staff equip students with the skills, capabilities, and the right attitudes to undertake a range of work roles within related industries and professions… [there is] a genuine desire from staff for students to achieve the best possible outcomes from their study at MIT.”