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Baby On the Move - 婴幼儿用品在线商城

2021-03-30 1140 kannz
Baby On the Move

站点名称:Baby On the Move



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We want to be the best and only place you will ever want or need for you and your baby!

We believe in providing you with the best possible knowledge, baby or mother care products and service so you buy right the first time!

All Baby On The Move franchise owners have an in-depth knowledge of all the products we hire or sell new. We are able to help you make informed decisions about your buggy, car seat or your cot. We also are able to show you what to look for, what the features are of various makes, models and benefits to suit your personal lifestyle that may enhance your day to day time with your baby or toddler.

Our extensive range of rental baby equipment includes infant capsules with bases, toddler seats, buggies, bassinets, cots, exersaucers, monitors, safety gates for doorways and so much more. We use well known brands of equipment such as Diono, Out'n'About, Baby Jogger, Britax, Graco, Evenflo, Maxi Cosi and Medela to ensure each and every item is well maintained. All hire equipment is cleaned to the highest standard and if needed, can be delivered to the airports, brought to the hospital if your baby has arrived early or delivered to your accommodation to be ready for your check in.

All baby equipment or other equipment used as rentals or for sale meets the New Zealand and Australian Safety Standard and a wide range of items also meet the European Safety Standard (EC44).


Here's some 'behind the scenes' information...

Baby On The Move is a nationwide franchise company owned and operated by experienced Mums and in some cases Dads as well. We run our businesses from retail outlets.

Baby On The Move’s main emphasis is on child safety and for this reason we only stock high quality affordable products and provide a fitting and sitting session for our customers purchasing car seat restraints.

Both Directors Claire Turner and Fena Bavastro are ex-franchisee owners and in April 2008 Claire and Fena formed Baby On The Move (2008) Limited and have continued to develop the company to benefit all customers and the Baby On The Move franchisees.

"Having children of our own, we are very aware of the obstacles that young parents may face with balancing financial interests and child safety. Our understanding, and the fact that we have the experience from the franchisee point of view, we are very responsive to all Baby On The Move franchisees and any queries they may have."


Proud to be 100% New Zealand owned

At Baby On The Move we are extremely proud to be 100% New Zealand owned and operated, meaning all our profits are kept here in Aotearoa, ensuring continuing support for our local economy.

Directors, Claire Turner a South Islander and Fena Bavastro a North Islander, are both extremely proud New Zealanders and are both very passionate about Baby On The Move and being a part of a nationwide team across our beautiful country.

Baby On The Move has numerous branches across the country from Auckland's North Shore to Dunedin in the deep south......100% NZ - Keeping it Kiwi.

If we do not have the information on hand for you at the time, we will make every effort to gain the necessary knowledge so that you can make the best and most informed decision possible. Oh and by the way, there is no such thing as a silly question at Baby On The Move. All your questions are important and we will always try to answer them to the best of our ability.

To find your nearest Baby On The Move store, click HERE.