新西兰政府提供的“必要服务”Essential Service 的列表
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Essential businesses, and those that support them, will continue to provide the necessities of life for everyone in New Zealand during Alert Level 4.
This means food, medicine, healthcare, energy, fuel, waste-removal, internet and financial support will continue to be available.
Alert Level 4 means New Zealanders not working in essential services must stay at home and stop all physical interactions with others outside of your household.
If you’re unsure whether your business provides essential services, you should close. We need as many businesses as possible to close to slow the spread of the virus.
If your business is considered essential, you must operate in a way that minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Businesses should:
minimise, or eliminate if possible, physical interactions among staff and with and between customers
ensure appropriate health, hygiene and safety measures are in place
restrict activity to only what is essential during the Alert Level 4 period.
These practices may include:
working from home as far as possible
limiting, or eliminating if possible, physical interaction between staff, eg through physical distancing, split shifts, staggered meal breaks and flexible working arrangements
limiting, or eliminating if possible, physical interaction with and between customers, eg through online or phone orders, contactless delivery or managed entry (while also avoiding crowding outside), and physical distancing both inside and outside the premises
hygiene basics of hand washing and sanitisers
frequent cleaning of premises, especially counters and eftpos terminals, and other high-touch surfaces (cleaning advice is available on the Ministry of Health website)
protective equipment for staff as appropriate.
If you are unsure if you can operate in a manner that minimises the risk of transmission of COVID-19, you should close while you put in place appropriate measures.
If you are unsure if your business is considered essential, email [email protected] or call 0800 22 66 57 (9 am to 5 pm).
For questions related to primary industries, including food and beverage production and processing, email [email protected] or call 0800 00 83 33.
The following services are considered essential. That means businesses carrying out these functions can remain open, including any critical suppliers in their supply chains, eg a firm repairing IT and data infrastructure for an essential service is okay to remain in operation.
This list will evolve over time. It was last updated at 7.30 pm, 26 March 2020.
Sectors | Entities providing essential services (including their supply chains) |
Accommodation Lead agency: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment |
Border Lead agency: Customs New Zealand |
Building and construction Lead agency: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment |
Courts, tribunals and the justice system Lead agency: Ministry of Justice |
Education Lead agency: Ministry of Education | At Alert Level 3 only:
Fast-moving consumer goods Lead agency: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment |
Financial services Lead agencies: Financial Markets Authority and Reserve Bank of New Zealand |
Health Lead agency: Ministry of Health |
Local and national government Lead agencies: Department of Internal Affairs (local government) and State Services Commission (national government) |
Primary industries, including food and beverage production and processing Lead agency: Ministry for Primary Industries |
Public safety and national security Lead agency: National Emergency Management Agency |
Science Lead agency: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment |
Social services Lead Agency: Ministry of Social Development/Oranga Tamariki |
Transport and logistics Lead agency: Ministry of Transport |
Utilities and communications, including supply chains Lead agency: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and Ministry for Culture and Heritage (for broadcasting) |
All supermarkets are considered an essential service
Farmers markets are not considered to be an essential service, as alternatives are available
Dairies can remain open, with a one-in-one-out rule, and cannot sell cooked food. You can download a 'one at a time in our store please' poster from our resources page
Liquor stores must close to the public unless they are in Licencing Trust areas. Open premises in Licencing Trust areas can operate with a one-in-one-out rule. Online stores can sell alcohol.
Food delivery is prohibited except for supermarket deliveries. Meals-on-Wheels and alternative meals on wheels services that have been referred from a DHB, ACC or MSD may operate and whole-food delivery may continue to operate (eg subscription food boxes are okay)
Pest management may be undertaken only where required for human health and safety, and it is essential during the Alert Level 4 period. However, operators must ensure people have somewhere safe to go while the process is underway, in particular where a property is being vacated
Campgrounds may continue to operate under very strict protocols and management of access. Eg contact to be maintained only with people staying in the same abode/room; common social and recreation areas to be closed; split shift access to common areas
Backpacker accommodation providers may continue to operate under very strict protocols and management of access conditions. Eg contact to be maintained only with people staying in the same room; common social and recreation areas to be closed; split shift access to common areas
Butchers, bakeries and similar small-scale food retailers are considered non-essential, as similar products are readily available in supermarkets
Furniture moving, in general, is not considered to be essential. However, as the deadline for domestic travel has been extended until midnight Friday 27 March, anyone in the process of moving house will need to complete their move before the end of Friday. Similarly, all furniture deliveries currently in transit would need to be also be delivered by the end of Friday
Natural health services are considered non-essential
Security is considered an essential service, even if security services are being provided in relation to a premise for a non-essential service
Self-storage facilities can operate only to facilitate access for essentials. New sales or expiries of units are considered non-essential. Access to existing lockers is permitted for essential items or services only, eg fridges
Critical support services to ensure businesses and workers can continue working from home are considered to be essential. This includes functions such as IT and Payroll
Rental cars may be accessed in some circumstances. Ministry of Transport has put out documentation on essential transport logistics and services. Please refer to the Ministry of Transport website
Every restaurant, café and bar must close all aspects of their operation
Self-service laundries can stay open, with 2-metre physical distancing to be enforced
The Warehouse must close
Bunnings, Placemakers, Mitre 10 and other retailers essential to the supply chain for building and construction can stay open to trade customers for essential purposes only
The Tiwai Point smelter is exempt from closure
NZ Steel is to shut down in a way that allows for production to recommence easily
Pulp and paper plants are to shut down their non-essential elements in a way that allows for production to recommence easily, and while maintaining essential production
Methanex can remain in production, but at a scale consistent with the stability of gas supply.
For the avoidance of doubt, sectors and occupations specified in the following are also included in this list of essential services:
Schedule 1 of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management CDEM Act 2002 Schedule 1 of lifeline utilities AND
Employment Relations Act 2000 Schedule 1 of essential services.
The entities listed above can continue to operate premises but must put in place alternative ways of working to keep employees safe, including shift-based working, staggered meal breaks, flexible leave arrangements and physical distancing.
If you have any queries around essential services you can get in touch with our team by emailing [email protected] or calling 0800 22 66 57 (9 am to 5 pm).
Non-essential businesses must now close their premises. All bars, restaurants, cafes, gyms, cinemas, pools, museums, libraries, playgrounds and any other place where the public congregate must close their face to face functions.
If you are a business or worker in a non-essential business, you may still work – as long as this is from home. If you cannot work remotely, you must stay home.
We need your support to protect New Zealand and slow the spread of COVID-19.
Enforcement measures may be used to ensure everyone acts together, now.
Essential services are any the Government has decided can continue operating at their premises, under Alert Level 4. All essential services will still need to operate in a way that limits the risk of the spread and transmission of COVID-19.
If your business is on the essential services list:
if your staff can work from home, they must
if they need to come to work so that you can carry out an essential service, you must ensure all appropriate measures are taken to minimise the transmission of COVID-19
you must only operate what is essential during the Alert Level 4 period.
Businesses operating non-essential services must shut down their premises. These businesses can continue to operate with staff working from their own homes. If this is not possible, these businesses must close their operations.
What is considered an essential service may change over time. Some activities that are not essential now may become essential if New Zealand remains at alert level 4 for a sustained period.
If you are unsure if your business is an essential service, you can ring 0800 22 66 57 or email [email protected].
You can also contact the BusinessNZ family for advice at:
Upper North Island (EMA): 0800 300 362
Central Region (Business Central): 0800 800 362
Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce: 0800 50 50 96
Otago Southland Employers’ Association: 0508 656 757
A list of essential services is available above.
The list may be updated by the Government.
If you have any queries around essential services you can get in touch with our team at 0800 22 66 57 or email [email protected].
If your business is part of the supply chain for essential businesses, it may continue to supply those critical products and services to essential businesses only.
You may continue to operate, as long as it is done in a way that limits public health risks by taking the following measures:
minimise, or eliminate if possible, physical interactions amongst staff and with and between customers
ensure appropriate health, hygiene and safety measures are in place
restrict activity to only what is essential while we're at Alert Level 4.
You can download a 'one at a time in our store please' poster from our resources page.
At Alert Level 4, you must close your premises, but you may operate your business remotely (eg with workers working from home) if you are able to do so.
If you provide an essential service, your business can continue to work from business premises at Alert Level 4, as long as the work is done in a way that limits or eliminates the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Businesses should:
minimise, or eliminate if possible, physical interactions amongst staff and with and between customers
ensure appropriate health, hygiene and safety measures are in place
restrict activity to only what is essential during the Alert Level 4 period.
It is for an industry or business to decide how to best do this. We would expect practices to include the likes of:
working from home as far as possible
limiting, or eliminating if possible, physical interaction between staff, eg through physical distancing, split shifts, staggered meal breaks, and flexible working arrangements.
limiting, or eliminating if possible, physical interaction with and between customers e.g. through online or phone orders, contactless delivery, or managed entry (while also avoiding crowding outside) and physical distancing both inside and outside the premises.
hygiene basics of hand washing and sanitisers.
frequent cleaning of premises, especially counters and EFTPOS terminals, and other high-touch surfaces (cleaning advice is available on the Ministry of Health website).
protective equipment for staff as appropriate.
If you are unsure you are able to operate in a manner that minimises the risk of transmission of COVID-19, we ask you to close while you put in place appropriate measures.
There is guidance and advice on how man manage risks in your workplace on WorkSafe’s website.
There are designated lead government agencies in each sector who are responsible for deciding whether specific activities count as essential services. The list of essential services may be amended by government over time as our response to COVID-19 evolves.
If you think your business should be an essential service, ring 0800 22 66 57 or email [email protected].
There is not a formal accreditation for essential businesses or their employees.
If you wish, you as an employer can provide letters to your staff to detail the specific essential functions they are undertaking with references to the essential services outlined above.
If you provide an essential service within the primary industries, including critical support goods and services, you are required you to register with the Ministry for Primary Industries and answer 11 questions about how you intend to stop any spread of COVID-19.
Businesses with 5 or fewer people (including the owner) working at each business site that can achieve physical distancing are exempt.
Primary sector businesses can contact MPI for more information at 0800 00 83 33 or [email protected] or visit the MPI website.
The 'supply chain' for a particular good or service refers to all the inputs and processes involved in its creation and distribution. When something is an essential service, this also includes critical components in its supply chain. For example, because food distribution is an essential service, this means the growing of food is also considered essential.
If you are a business that is a part of a supply chain delivering an essential service, you must only provide critical products or services necessary to maintain the essential service while we're at Alert Level 4. You cannot operate other parts of your business during this time.
These are generally the kinds of things you buy at supermarkets. They are affordable, in high demand, and sold quickly.
These would typically include:
toiletries and personal care items
cleaning products
baby products, eg formula and nappies
pet food
over-the-counter medicines
alcohol, tobacco and vaping
If you provide an essential service within the primary industries, including critical support goods and services, you are required you to register with the Ministry for Primary Industries and answer 11 questions about how you intend to stop any spread of COVID-19.
Businesses with 5 or fewer people (including the owner) working at each business site that can achieve physical distancing are exempt.
Primary sector businesses can contact MPI for more information at 0800 00 83 33 or [email protected] or visit the MPI website.
A list of key essential services can be found on the MPI website:
Each essential business needs to plan for how they continue their operations: they will need to meet appropriate public health measures or arrange for essential work to be done from home. You should work from home if you can, but your employer will tell you about the specific arrangements for your workplace.
Workers need to take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and the health and safety of others, while working. This means following and cooperating with any reasonable health and safety instructions, policies and procedures that you’re given, to stay safe and to make sure you don’t risk the health and safety of others that you come in contact with through your work. Work with your employer to help develop any new ways of working that are needed to keep you and others safe.
If you carry out work in the transport sector, you may have an exemption when travel is required for essential work or when essential work is being undertaken. At all other times, workers must avoid all non-essential travel and follow the guidance for Alert Level 4.
Public transport used to transport people working in essential services includes domestic aircraft, ferries, buses and trains.
Essential workers may be asked, while travelling, to show who they work for. We encourage essential workers to carry some form of identification to show who they are, who they work for, and their role e.g. business card, letter from their employer or work ID.
We will work with businesses to make sure they are complying with the Alert Level 4 restrictions.
If a business chooses to ignore official advice and continues to trade, there will be actions taken to stop this.
If you are unsure if you should be working, you can contact your union or email [email protected].
In the first instance, contact your employer. If you are still unsure, you can email [email protected].
Yes, dairies can choose to stay open but must have a ‘one in, one out’ rule, and cannot sell food prepared on the premises.
Takeaway operations and premises, as well as cooked food delivery services, must shut down at Alert Level 4. We cannot guarantee social distancing in every kitchen or that everyone who works in a kitchen is well.
Meals on Wheels has been granted an exception to this restriction due to the social service it provides.
Subscription food boxes are considered an essential service.
Whole food delivery services (eg subscription food boxes) and supermarket delivery services can continue to operate but must use non-contact delivery measures ie online and phone orders and contactless delivery.
You should only post or courier items that are essential to the provision of the necessities of life.
During this period, our postal and courier service will be busy helping our society receive items and goods that are essential. Adding additional pressure and burden to that service may impact on society's wider ability to get through this period, and to stop the virus in its tracks.
At Alert Level 4 there will likely be reduced public transport service levels. Public transport will be focused on allowing essential workers to travel between their homes and workplaces; and to allow the public to access food and medical care.
Taxis and rideshare drivers can continue to work at Alert Levels 3 and 4, but will need to meet the appropriate health measures. Similar to public transport, there will likely be reduced service levels.
If you have neighbours who are reliant on public transport to go to the supermarket, you could offer to do their grocery shopping (while taking all necessary health measures).
Yes. Veterinary and animal health/welfare services are essential services, and pet food is a fast-moving consumer good. Pet food is available at supermarkets and vets.
Travel to look after animals is allowed, as long as you take the necessary health measures, and comply with any region-specific travel measures.
Alcohol is available to be purchased in supermarkets, and Licensing Trust liquor stores (open liquor store premises in a Licencing Trust areas can only operate with a one-in-one-out rule).
All other Liquor stores must be closed to the public.
The online sale and contactless delivery of alcohol (including spirits) is permitted under the following conditions:
You must hold an off-license with an endorsement for remote sales under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act. You must comply with requirements of your license
The agreed quantity for spirits purchased must be no more than the customs/duty free allowance which is 3 bottles (or other containers) of spirits or liqueur (each bottle or container can hold a maximum of 1.125 litres) per order.
Closing all alcohol outlets could lead to people living in licencing trust areas travelling outside of their communities to purchase alcohol. That would mean they are breaking self-isolation, and impacting our ability to contain transmission.
Hardware stores will only be open to tradespeople, who need supplies in order to provide an essential service. They will not be open to the public.
Yes, if this is immediately essential to maintain the necessities of life or critical to safety. This includes electricians, plumbers and builders.
All queries relating to tenancies can be directed to Tenancy Services.