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Refining NZ

2020-02-17 3083 kannz
Refining NZ

站点名称:Refining NZ



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其实 Refining NZ 并不是加油站,只是给大家涨涨知识。新西兰的大部分的零售加油站的燃油都来自于这个公司,它位于 Marsden Point 。

Refining NZ at Marsden Point is New Zealand's only refiner of oil products and is one of the most modern refineries in the world. It processes a range of imported crude oils, producing premium and regular petrol, automotive and marine diesel, kerosene and other fuel oils. It supplies up to 70% of the demand for fuel, with the rest being imported mainly from refineries in Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific. Fuel retailing companies can buy fuel from overseas refineries, but they must make sure that the products meet the New Zealand specifications. At the end of the day, the New Zealand fuel specifications and the sampling and testing programmes are aimed at ensuring our vehicle fleet runs as efficiently and effectively as possible, while also limiting the adverse effects on the environment and our health. The specifications in New Zealand are generally close to those in the European Union, with some biofuel specifications similar to those adopted in the USA. In New Zealand, both petrol and diesel have their specifications seasonally adjusted in relation to climate variations. With petrol there are three geographical areas: Northland and Auckland, the rest of North Island and the South Island. For diesel, there are two ‘seasons’ – summer and winter.