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Royal Wellington Golf

2020-02-15 1844 kannz
Royal Wellington Golf

站点名称:Royal Wellington Golf



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Royal Wellington is one of New Zealand’s premier parkland golf courses, and since its foundation in 1895 has hosted a number of national open and amateur championships.  

Recently we have hosted major amateur events as a way to help grow the game including the 2016 New Zealand Men’s and Women’s Amateur, the 2018 Annika Invitational for junior Women and the 2017 Asia Pacific Amateur Championship for junior men, which was run by the Masters and the R&A and televised coverage broadcast to 160 countries.

As we prepare to celebrate our 125th anniversary in 2020 we are looking forward to the future with confidence. The recent, (2019) successful amalgamation with Pauatahanui Golf Club has boosted the club’s membership base with the accompanied positive impact on the clubs financial position.

Our club values its heritage while seeking to ensure that our members, their families, guests and casual visitors can enjoy their golf in a contemporary and fun environment.

We have two golf courses; the recently redesigned championship Heretaunga course, complemented by the nine-hole Terrace Course. Both courses have magnificent views of the hills, wonderful trees and are bordered by the Hutt River. With a variety of tee positions, the courses cater for golfers of all levels of ability, including those just taking up the game. In addition if you travel and also want to play golf Royal Wellington have over 40 reciprocal arrangements with golf clubs around NZ, Australia, Asia, the UK and Europe. At these clubs Royal Wellington members can be assured of a warm welcome and enjoy golf and the host club’s facilities generally  free of charge.  Royal Wellington members also enjoy special privileges at the world-wide Pacific Links network having access to 400+ signature golf clubs in 43 countries.

Over a number of years now, we have taken a strong sustainability focus on everything we do on the property. As an example, members and staff have worked together on a successful pest eradication programme aimed at ridding the golf courses of stoats, rodents and other pests that harm the local bird life. A number of bee hives on course produce ‘Heretaunga Honey’ available for members. In November 2017 we attained GEO Certification®, the international marque of credible recognition for sustainability in golf.  The distinction comes on evidence of ongoing commitment to fostering nature, resource efficiency and providing community value.   

 Royal Wellington hosts a monthly golf day for golfers no longer able to play on their own. Lunch is provided and ‘assistees’ are each paired up with a volunteer for 9 holes followed by afternoon tea. It gives ex-golfers some exercise and some social interaction and it gives their carers time off.

Royal Wellington welcomes new members to come and join the fun. In addition to the golf courses, we have three all-weather tennis courts and a swimming pool and BBQ area to enjoy in the summer months. Associate (Social) memberships enables the use of the non -golf based facilities and activities.

Our club house provides a warm welcome to members, their families and guests, whether it be in the café for a pre-round bite of lunch or the bar overlooking the 18th fairway for a post round beverage and the monthly Sunday roasts.

Royal Wellington has a number of membership categories to meet the needs of women and men golfers of all ages. We also have a thriving junior membership, ‘social memberships’ and provide coaching opportunities suitable for girls and boys just starting the game of golf as well as game improvement lessons and playing packages for everyone including beginners