Tax relief and income assistance is available to people affected by the downturn in business due to the Coronavirus COVID-19. We have a range of ways to help depending on your circumstances.
Provisional tax estimates
You may be able to make an estimate or re-estimate of provisional tax, if your circumstances have changed due to the coronavirus. We can arrange early refunds if provisional tax has been overpaid.
Work out provisional tax using the estimation option
Unable to pay your tax
If you're having difficulty paying outstanding tax, we can help you set up an instalment arrangement. You can apply in myIR.
You can also apply for a write-off due to serious hardship when you know you won't be able to pay the full amount.
Apply for an instalment arrangement in myIR
If we grant relief from payment due to hardship and you have losses to carry forward, these losses will be reduced in proportion to the amount written off.
Late filing and late payment
Extensions to filing dates for some income tax returns may be available. Extensions can't be granted for GST and PAYE returns, but any penalties for late filing may be remitted. Under limited circumstances penalties for late payments incurred due to the effects of the coronavirus may also be remitted.
Certificate of exemption
If you're currently involved in contract work where schedular payments are to be deducted, such as forestry or bush work of all kinds, fishing boat work for profit-share, you may be entitled to a certificate of exemption.
Certificates of exemption for schedular payments
Tailored tax codes
You may be entitled to a tailored tax code if you're receiving a salary or wage and have a loss to carry forward. A certificate will be issued to you with a reduced tax rate.
Child support
If you have trouble making child support payments by due dates you should call us. It may be appropriate to re-estimate your income and reduce the assessment.
Working for Families Tax Credits
Working for Families Tax Credits entitlements are based on your yearly family income. If your family income changes, your entitlement may change.
If your yearly family income decreases you may be entitled to increased payments, or you may be able to increase the frequency of your payments.
Paid parental leave
You're eligible if:
your baby is expected or born, or
you become the primary carer for a child under six on or after 1 April 2016.
You'll need to have worked an average of at least 10 hours per week for any 26 of the 52 weeks immediately before the date the child comes into your care.
Further information have brought together government information relating to Coronavirus COVID-19 and how it may affect your business.