Updated: 28 February 2020
A novel coronavirus, currently called COVID-19, has caused a cluster of viral respiratory illness originating in Wuhan, Hubei province, China.
A questions and answers sheet is now available in Mandarin and can be downloaded here.
The New Zealand Government has announced temporary restrictions on travel from Iran and mainland China will remain in place as a precautionary measure to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Read the full article here.
The following are some answers to frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 outbreak, the University of Waikato's response and how we are helping our community of staff and students.
Have a question that's not answered here? If you are a student, please contact [email protected] or 0800 WAIKATO, and if you are a staff member please contact Human Resource Management.
We will do everything we can to support you and manage your studies during this time. We are asking those who are in China or Iran, or have been in China or Iran in the last month, to please fill out this survey:
If you are having trouble accessing this link, please contact the Student Services Team on 0800 WAIKATO, +64 7 838 4176 or [email protected].
It is important that we know where you are so we can provide the right support. These forms will be reviewed as they are returned, and any students identified as needing support will be contacted. University staff will work with these students on a transition plan into University, which may involve self-isolation.
If you have travelled to New Zealand from or through China or Iran in the last month, have had close contact with anyone who has travelled through China and Iran, or you plan to travel to China and Iran in the near future, please fill out this survey.
If you are having trouble accessing this link, please contact the Human Resources Management Division, or your line manager.
This will help the University to identify anyone who might need further support, and to provide them with the right information and assistance.
If you have any questions about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and would like more information on preventative measures and self-isolation, please visit the Ministry of Health website.
This website is updated regularly, and will provide you with the most up-to-date information.
WHO situation updates and the latest advice on the COVID-19 is available from the WHO website.
Ministry of Health: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus
International SOS: https://pandemic.internationalsos.com/2019-ncov?utm_campaign=APAC-2020-Q3-nCoVWuhanWebinar&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua
Important information for parents and caregivers (in simplified Chinese)
Download: Coronavirus: How to reduce your risk. A3
Download: Information for travellers arriving to New Zealand
If you feel unwell, stay home until you have recovered. For students, if you are concerned about missing any classes, many are recorded and we have procedures to support you. Contact the Student Services team on 0800 WAIKATO if you need assistance.
Avoid close contact with people suffering acute respiratory infections.
Wash your hands frequently. Use soap and rub your hands together under running water for at least 20 seconds. Dry thoroughly with a clean towel.
Avoid close contact with sick live farm animals or wild animals.
People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cough into your bent elbow if possible). Cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, dispose of tissues in a rubbish bin, do not reuse them and wash hands.