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2020-03-21 2421 kannz




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新西兰移民局针对中国大陆和全球其它有 COVID-19 疫情地区的旅行禁令新闻通知页面(实时更新)

2020年3月12日更新,移民局继续对来自中国大陆的,非新西兰居民签证或新西兰公民的旅客实行禁入制度,目前旅行禁令已被延长至 3月17日。

Updated Sunday, 15 March 2020 at 9:30am

As part of its response to managing the Covid-19 outbreak the New Zealand Government announced on Saturday 14 March 2020 further border measures. These include extending travel restrictions and self-isolation requirements for most people arriving into New Zealand. These restrictions will be reviewed after 16 days.

Situation summary

Latest INZ response to the Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus) — updated 15 March at 9:30 amPDF 584KB

As part of its response to managing the Covid-19 outbreak the New Zealand Government announced on Saturday 14 March 2020 further border measures. These include extending travel restrictions and self-isolation requirements for most people arriving into New Zealand. These restrictions will be reviewed after 16 days.

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is working with other government agencies to ensure a whole-of-government approach is being taken to manage this evolving situation. INZ’s Beijing office remains temporarily closed and remains committed to minimising the impact on processing times as much as possible.

Travel restrictions into New Zealand

The travel restrictions are determined by the Ministry of Health as Category 1 and apply to any foreigners who:

  • have been present in, or transited through, Iran or mainland China, 14 days prior to them departing for New Zealand. Mainland China includes all of China, but not Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, and not Taiwan.

  • were a passenger or crew on board the Diamond Princess Cruise ship operated by Princess Cruises, within 14 days of disembarking from the cruise ship.

The decision to deny boarding or refuse entry to New Zealand does not apply to New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, residents with valid travel conditions and their immediate family, who will still be able to come to New Zealand. Australian citizens and permanent residents are also not subject to the travel restrictions if New Zealand is their primary place of established residence.

Self-isolation for arrivals into New Zealand

If you are not subject to the travel restriction, you may travel to New Zealand. Everyone must follow Ministry of Health guidance for self-isolation. You must register with Healthline and self-isolate for 14 days when arriving in New Zealand if you have been in a Category 1 or Category 1B location.

From 23:59 Sunday 15 March 2020 Category 1B locations are all parts of the world except parts of the Pacific.

Airline crew, cargo ship crew and cruise ship crew are excluded from self-isolation requirements.

Please refer to the Ministry of Health website for the most up to date information including a map showing the world and those excluded as part of the Pacific: Ministry of Health COVID-19 information

All passengers arriving in New Zealand are being assessed and screened before they are allowed to enter the country. The Ministry of Health has the power to quarantine aircraft or vessels on arrival to New Zealand if cases of Covid-19 are suspected.

Cruise ships and maritime vessels

There is a temporary ban enforced on the entry of cruise ships to New Zealand’s territorial waters effective from 23:59 Saturday 14 March 2020. This will remain in place until 30 June 2020. Cruise ships already in New Zealand’s waters prior to the ban are not included in this.

Cargo ship and marine crew are not required to self-isolate, if they have taken appropriate infection control and wear the appropriate personal protection equipment as required.