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Maximum Wash

2021-02-21 1278 kannz
Maximum Wash

站点名称:Maximum Wash



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Where We Cover ?

Auckland Central – West Auckland – Rodney District – North Shore – East Auckland – South Auckland

How do we apply Roof Treatments / Wash Roofs ?

Our first suggestion is a ROOF TREATMENT. This involves LOW pressure (almost no pressure) chemical spray on the roof. Once applied this will instantly kill all the lichen & moss growing. It will work itself off over a period of 6-9 months. Rain, Sun, Rain, Sun… This will work all of the organic growth off.

Although this is a LONG time and provides slow results, we recommend this in most cases as 70% of Roofs are not water tight. If we High pressure a roof- we risk the chance of a LEAK.

What If I am selling my house and cannot wait 9 months?

In this instance, we will treat the roof & water blast the roof. Once water blasted 100% clean- we will spray the full roof to stop any future Growth.

Do we use safety harness’?

YES. Safety is the most important thing. We have our certification for working at heights & rope tickets. We have temporary anchors onboard each van & safety measures in place for each situation. We have the experience to anchor on almost every roof. Call Bas on 027 206 8025 to discuss your options today.

I’m on Tank Water, what will I do?

We have worked with many different Tank Water Systems in the past. Any Rain collection systems will be dis-connected before we start with your roof wash. We recommend leaving the pipes dis-connected for 4 rain days after the wash/treatment. Speak to Bas on 027 206 8025 about your specific requirements & book a quote or discuss options.