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2020-02-20 1988 kannz




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New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing Inc (NZTR) is the governing body of the thoroughbred code in New Zealand. Essentially it supplies the thoroughbred product for wagering and sporting customers and is ‘captain of the team’ for the thoroughbred code. More specifically its exists to:

  • Draw up and action the thoroughbred code’s Business Plan, including performance targets, set the distribution policy and allocate funds within the thoroughbred code to maximize and sustain financial benefits.

  • Define, regulate and amend the policies and Rules of Racing of the thoroughbred code.

  • Represent the interests of thoroughbred code stakeholders, principally the 67 thoroughbred racing clubs operating on 51 galloping tracks.

  • Supply central secretariat services for the thoroughbred code – including keeping the New Zealand Stud Book (recording the activities of the more than 9000 broodmares pastured in New Zealand), maintaining the handicap, licensing trainers, jockeys and apprentices, registering all racing stock, publishing industry and code publications and information including maintaining New Zealand’s largest racing database and supplying complete raceday form for all of the country’s 325 thoroughbred racedays, collection of fees and payment of stakes and percentages, and taking nominations and withdrawals for all meetings by the National Racing Bureau.

  • Develop all equine training programmes in New Zealand and run dedicated apprentice schools in the main racing regions.

  • Communicate all relevant information to all its customers within and outside the thoroughbred code.

  • Foster increased awareness, interest, participation and investment in the thoroughbred code.

NZTR is based in Wellington with a full-time staff of 27. For a full list of staff contact details, please visit our Contacts page. Its offices are in the same building as the New Zealand Racing Board, the TAB, Trackside TV, Radio Trackside and the Greyhound Racing New Zealand.


Currently NZTR is governed by a Board of six Directors.

At the NZTR AGM on 15 December 2010, Thoroughbred Racing Clubs throughout New Zealand agreed to support the process of the selection of a new independent Board to run NZTR. A Members’ Council was set up and charged with responsibility for all aspects of the appointment of six independent Directors.

The current Members’ Council comprises Chair Bill Cotton (southern region), Murray Gibson (northern), Nigel Tiley (trainers & jockeys), John Wheeler (central), John Thompson (breeders), Paul Humphries (central), Howard Clarke (southern), Karyn Fenton-Ellis (northern), and Neil Oldfield (owners).

A Board of ten Directors, elected on a regional and sector basis, was replaced by six appointed, independent directors.

Appointments to the Board are for three year terms and for a maximum of three terms, that is, an initial term and two further terms of three years each.