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The Cathedral Grammar School

2020-02-08 3265 kannz
The Cathedral Grammar School

站点名称:The Cathedral Grammar School



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Yet for all this history and individual and collective achievement, it is to the future we look.  Cathedral Grammar is known as ‘the ideal preparation’ because everything we do is with an eye on the future.

While we cannot claim to know exactly what sort of world the children of today will inhabit in 25, 50 or 75 years, one thing is for certain.  It will be a world that requires the best possible early physical, intellectual, creative, spiritual and social development of our young people, today.

Accordingly, Cathedral Grammar is a fulfilling and richly rewarding education in the present and prepares and equips children for the opportunities and challenges of the future, in equal part.

For more than 130 years Cathedral Grammar has adapted to a changing world, while anchored firmly in the traditions of the Cathedral, of creativity, of sporting endeavour, of passion for learning and of fun.
We look forward to the opportunity to sow the seeds of a life-long love of learning in your child, a basis for happiness, success and contentment in a rapidly changing world.