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About Us

We apply global strength to solving local needs and are passionate about helping customers understand and protect themselves against risk.

Zurich in New Zealand, headquartered in Auckland, helps customers understand and protect themselves from risk. A local team with expert local knowledge take care of the major operational functions of underwriting, risk management, servicing, technical support and claims.

As a leading global insurer operating locally, the way Zurich works in New Zealand is to focus 100% on brokers to help them access decision-makers.

Zurich's products in New Zealand are underwritten by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited ABN 13 000 296 640, a company incorporated in Australia, trading as Zurich New Zealand.

Global strength

Zurich is a leading multi-line insurance provider with a global network of subsidiaries and offices, and about 54,000 employees. Zurich delivers general insurance and life insurance products and services for individuals, small businesses, and mid-sized and large companies, including multinational corporations, in more than 210 countries and territories. More information on Zurich Insurance Group worldwide or through the 'Zurich at a glance' brochure below.

 Global Reach Local Knowledge Brochure

The Fair Insurance Code

Zurich New Zealand is a signatory to the Fair Insurance Code. The Fair Insurance Code is a code of practice that:

  • Sets minimum service standards for insurance companies

  • Describes the responsibilities that you and your insurance company have to each other, and

  • Encourages professionalism in the insurance industry.

The Code covers all insurance products except health insurance and life insurance.

The Code only applies to individuals and entities with 19 or fewer employees.

Further information about the Code can be obtained from icnz.org.nz.

Zurich is a member of the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman dispute resolution scheme. In the event of a dispute, you may be able to refer your complaint to the scheme at:

Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme
PO Box 10-845
Wellington 6143
New Zealand.
Freephone: 0800 888 202

Further information about the Scheme can be obtained from www.ifso.nz